En esta interesante página podréis conocer a seis de los principales autores de música de todos los tiempos. Estoy segura que os gustará. Además, en los Juke Box tenéis algunos de sus temas más conocidos. Haz click en la imagen, altavoces en ON y a disfrutar.
Hoy se celebra en EEUU el día de Acción de Gracias. A continuación tenéis información extraida de varias fuentes sobre esta fiesta tan popular también en otros paises (aunque en distinta fecha):
American Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November. This year Thanksgiving will fall on Thursday November 27, 2008.
The first Thanksgiving in the USA was a feast in 1621 shared by the Pilgrims (who had recently settled Plymouth Colony in what is now Massachusetts) and the Wampanoag Indians, who shared their corn, squash, and wild turkeys. This first feast was not repeated until over a decade later. Thanksgiving was declared a national holiday in 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln.
In Canada, Thanksgiving was declared a national holiday by the Canadian Parliament in 1879. There is celebrated on the second Monday in October.
Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals. A time of turkeys, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. A time for Indian corn, holiday parades and giant balloons.
A dream come true for Verdasco (23 Nov 2008) Ever since Fernando Verdasco was a young boy, when he could barely see over the top of the net, he had dreamed about winning the Davis Cup for Spain...
A partir de hoy, y durante aproximadamente 10 dias la encuesta será la siguiente: What is your favourite football team ?. ¿ Quien creeis que saldrá en primer lugar ? Se admiten apuestas. ¡ A votar !
La encuesta actual, ya sabéis, What do you do in your free time ? estará activa hasta el domingo. Tenéis tiempo hasta entonces para votar. En esta ocasión podéis elegir hasta tres opciones.
Para la semana que viene hay preparada otra ( de carácter deportivo). Si queréis que hagamos la encuesta sobre algún tema en particular indicadlo en los comentarios.
* We use a and an before singular nouns. * We use some, any, many and How many before plural nouns. * We use much and How much before uncountable nouns. * We use the before all types of nouns to talk about something specific * We use How many with countable nouns and How much with uncountable nouns.
Obama elected 44th president of the United States of America.
Barack Obama, a 47-year-old senator from Illinois, shattered more than 200 years of history Tuesday night by winning election as the first African-American president in the history of the United States, according to projections by NBC News.
Obama was elected the nation's first black president Tuesday night in a historic triumph that overcame racial barriers as old as America itself.
Barack Obama Superman
One day to change the word
What is the last sentence Obama says in this video ?